Saturday 22 July 2017

牛油曲奇 Butter cookies

牛油unsalted butter 130g, 粉糖Icing sugar 40g, 疍液Egg  20g, 低筋麵粉Cake flour 130g, 杏仁粉Almond meal 40g, 鹽Salt 1/4 tsp., 雲喱拿香油Vanilla Essence 1/4 tsp.

1)  麵粉篩勻,加入鹽和杏仁粉拌匀
Sift flour,mix together with Salt and Almond meal.
2)  牛油與糖粉攪拌至奶白色
Beat butter and icing sugar to pale white
3)  疍白分為3次,逐次加入(1)中,每次都要拌勻後再加入。加入雲喱拿香味,再加入麵粉和杏仁粉料Add in egg white to thr butter mixture by 3 times. Add in Vanilla essence and mix well. Fold in flour  and Almond meal gently.
4)  唧花袋放入粉糊,唧模型於牛油紙上
Place a Big Star piping tube in a piping bag, put the batter in. pipe on the baking paper.
5)  預熱焗爐165*C., 曲奇餅放進去,焗約6 分鐘,見微黃色,調校至150*C,再焗約6分鐘
Preheat oven at 165*C, place the cookie to the oven and bake for about 10 minutes. Turn the temperature to 150*C for further 5 minutes.