Wednesday 29 May 2019

Butter & Cream cheese

Butter & Cheese Cream ingredients:  Butter 牛油 50g, softened, Cream cheese 80g (room temperatures),  Icing sugar  糖粉 50g,   Vanilla essence 云呢拿香味 1 tsp. ,  Lemon juice 檸檬汁 2 tsp.

Cup Cake

1 1/3 cup self-raising flour, 自發麺粉 ,   1 tsp. baking powder,  發粉,   1/2 tsp. bi-carb soda, 食用梳打粉,   3/4 cup caster sugar, 幼糖,   200g unsalted butter ,softened, 室溫無鹽牛油,
4 eggs, 蛋,   2  tbsp. milk, 奶
 make  12 muffin cup cake

1)  Sift flour, baking powder & soda into a bowl of a stand mixer. Add sugar, butter, eggs & milk and beat on high speed until combined and smooth.
2)     Preheat oven to 175*C.  Spoon batter into miffin cake case. Bake for 15 minutes or until golden.
        Cool on a wire rack.
3).     To serve,pipe or spoon cream into tops of cup cake.

預熱了175*C 的焗爐。把粉漿盛入Muffin case, 放入焗爐焗約 15 分鐘或至金黃色。
焗好後拿出來放在架上, 待涼後裝飾上花樣即成漂亮的 cup cake.