Saturday 19 January 2019

香蕉合桃蛋糕 Banana Walnut cake


Dry Ingredients :  Self-raising flour 1 1/2 cup,  Sugar  1/3 cup,   Baking powder  1/2 tsp.,  Bi-carb soda 1 tsp.  Salt 1/2 tsp.,
Wet Ingredients :  Banana  4 pieces,   egg 2,  Vanilla  extract 1tsp.  Butter 50g
Walnut  1/2 cup
Making 12 cup cakes

1)   Mixing all dry Ingredients in a bowl
2)   Melt the butter. Smash  the bananas, mix with egg and Vanilla  extract
3)   Add all the Dry Ingredients  into egg mixtures, until all the Ingredients well combined.
4)  Pre-heat oven 175*C. Put the batter into Muffin  Tray.  Bake about 6 minutes, and then turn the oven to 150*C for further  7 minutes.

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