Sunday 6 October 2013

杏仁曲奇餅 almond cookies

牛油(butter) 95g,糖霜(icing sugar) 80g,杏仁粉(almond mill)85g, 麵粉 125g ,   雞蛋 (egg) 25g 約為半個
1) 麺粉和杏仁粉混合,篩勻
2) 牛油必需要是室溫,較軟才能和糖霜融合,攪拌至成為奶白色。然後將蛋液分幾次加入去攪拌。再將粉類加入,輕輕拌勻,放入冰箱40分鐘
3) 準備2張牛油紙,把麺團放在紙上,另一張蓋面,用麺桿輕桿薄至約3Mm厚,用餅乾模鈒出形狀,排好在焗盤中
4) 焗爐預熱至170*C,把餅乾放入中層的格,焗至金黃色。中途需觀察及調節爐溫,才會焗出漂亮的餅乾

1) sieve flour and almond mill
2)   Butter and icing sugar mix well until light and creamy. add egg in small portion and mix well every time. Add in flour and combine it gently. Rest in refrigerator for 40 minutes
3)   Place the dough on a greased proof paper. Roll the dough to 3 mm thick by a rolling pin. Cut it with the shaped cutter
4)   Pre-heated oven 170*c. Bake until golden brown. Adjust the oven temperature if necessary.


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