Saturday 14 September 2013

Carrot cake----紅蘿蔔蛋糕

Jul 3, 2012 

Carrot is a very good vegetable for people. Some children don't like eat vege., but  make it as a cake ,they will love it.

Sift into large bowl-:
1 1/2 cup wholemeal flour,   3/4 tsp. baking soda,   3/4 cup caster sugar,   1/2 tsp. salt,   1 tsp. cinnamon powder
1/2 cup oil,   1 cup carrot(grated),   2 eggs,   1/2 tsp. Vanilla Essence,   1/2 cup pineapple(crushed and undrained),   1/2 cup walnut(chopped)--optional
If liked grated orange or lemon zest can be added to ingredients

Preheat  oven to 175*C. Combine all ingredients and mix well. Bake in cake tin for  about 35 minutes or ,bake in muffin tray for 20 minutes(make 12 muffins).
Test with skewer,if it comes out clean,cake is cooked.
全麥粉  1 1/2 杯,   3/4 tsp. 小梳打,   3/4 杯幼糖,   1/2  tsp.鹽,   1 tsp.玉桂粉
1/2 杯油,   1 杯紅蘿蔔(刨絲),   2隻蛋,   1/2 tsp.雲呢嗱香油(隨意),   1/2杯菠蘿(小罐裝,去水,切碎) ,   1/2杯合桃碎,  檸檬或橙皮碎(隨意)
把所有材料混合,放入已預熱 175*C 焗爐中,如用圓形的蛋糕模 (7吋)約焗 35分,,如用 muffin 模約焗 20分鐘(可做12個)。

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