Monday 16 September 2013

Sweet flower bread 花兒飽

Mar 20, 2012

There are thousands of different breads in the world. Different countrys and nations all have their own method to make breads. I like to make bread. I enjoy the progress of the dough's fermentation and development . The fresh crispy bread can give you a tasteful and joyful lunch.


Ingredients: 1 1/2 tsp dried yeast, 15g caster sugar, 300g strong flour or white bread flour, 3 tbsp milk powder, 1/4 tsp salt, 30g butter, softened, 30g olive oil make 7 pieces

1. Place the dried yeast, sugar and 150ml warm water(the same temperature as a finger placed in it) into a bowl. Stir to mix. Leave in the warm place until it froths up
2. Sift flour and salt into a large bowl and make a well in the centre. Add (1) ,butter and oil to the well , gradually mix it to soft dough.
3. Turn out the dough on to a lightly floured surface. Knead about 15-20 minutes or until dough is smooth and elastic and no longer sticky. ( A finger mark pressed into the dough should spring back)
4. Coat the dough surface in lightly oil,and transfer to greased bowl. Cover with damp tea towel. Leave in warm place until dough doubles in size
5. Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface and knead gently for 2 minutes until smooth(knock-back to remove air bubbles).
6. Divide the dough into 7 pieces (about 70g each) and roll into a flattened ball. Make 5 about 1cm deep cuts around the side of the roll with scissors,and cut a 0.5 cm deep circle in the centre,make it looks like a flower
7. Place the roll on a baking paper tray. Cover with greaseproof paper and allow to rise again until double in size
8. Preat the oven to hot 200*C. Bush the rolls with the milk and bake for 10-15 minutes or until golden brown.(to test if bread is cooked through ,tap base and a hollow sound is heard). Remove from the tray and cool on a wire rack.

乾酵母 1 1/2 tsp, 15g 幼糖, 300g高筋麵粉, 3 tbsp 奶粉, 1/4 tsp 鹽, 30g 牛油(軟), 30g檻欖油或食油, 150ml 溫水(以手指能放入測試的温度)

1. 乾酵母,糖和溫水放小碗中搞拌。放在溫暖的地方,直至看到表面全是泡沫。約10分鐘
2. 篩過的麵粉和鹽放在大碗中,中間做成 一個井,加入 (1) ,牛油和油,慢慢將粉往內撥,揉成粉團
3. 把粉團放在灑粉的桌面上,搓成光滑,不黏手的麵團(把手指按下,表面會回復)
4. 把粉團輕輕滾上油,放在塗油的大碗中,用濕布蓋着,放在温暖的地方發酵,直至麵團有兩倍大
5. 再把麵團放在桌面,輕輕搓2分鐘至成光滑的麵團(主要是迫出內部的空氣)
6. 把麵團分成 75g 小份,把它滾成圓扁形。用較剪在邊緣剪 1cm 深的一刀,共 5 刀。並在中間剪一個0.5cm 的圓形。這樣便成花形
7. 把花形飽間開放在墊了焗盤紙的焗盤內,讓它再發酵至 2 倍大
8. 預熱焗爐至 200*C。掃一層奶在飽的表面,把飽放進爐內焗10-15分鐘或焗至表面呈金黃色。(用手指輕敲底部發出空空的聲音即麵飽已熟)。把麵飽出爐,放在架上待涼

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