Sunday 15 September 2013

Mango Muffin----芒果鬆餅

Feb 27, 2012 

Ingredients: 1 1/2 cup self raising flour; 1/2 tsp baking powder; 1/2 cup caster sugar; 1/4 cup shredded coconut; 2 eggs; 2/3 cup milk;
  1/4 cup cooking oil; 1 cup mango; icing sugar (optional)

1) Preheat oven  to 180*C  OR 160*C Fan force
2)    Sift flour and baking powder into a large bowl. Add sugar and coconut into it  and mix well.
3)    In a small bowl,whisk  together eggs, milk and oil.
4)    Stir ( 3) into flour mixture ,until just combined.
5)    Fold in mango
6)    Divide mixture into the muffin moulds to  3/4  full.
7) Bake at preheated oven for approx.25 minutes (min.)
8) Dust with icing sugar to serve.
 this recipe can make  8 muffins . You can use any kind of fruit  you like.

  材料: 1 1/2 杯自發麵粉;   1/2 茶匙發粉;   1/2 杯幼糖;   1/4 杯椰絲;   2 隻蛋;   2/3 杯奶;   1/4食油;   1 杯芒果;   糖粉

製法:   1)    預熱焗爐160*C
2)    麵粉,發粉篩勻,加入糖和椰絲。
    3)   另外把蛋,奶和油打勻
    4)   把(3)的料倒入(2)料中,輕輕拌勻。(不要過份搞拌)
    5)   把芒果拌入。
    6)   把粉糊裝入muffin焗盤內,約注滿3/4的份量
    7)   放入預熱的焗爐,焗約25分鐘
    8)   待涼後,灑上糖粉。

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