Sunday 15 September 2013

Scotch Pancake 斑戟

May 14, 2012
Ingredients:  2 eggs,   275ml milk,&   225g(8 oz ) self-raising flour,   40g caster sugar,   1 tsp.Baking powderr     (MAKE  12 PIECES)
1.   Sift flour, sugar and    into a bowl. Beat to a smooth and creamy batter with the eggs and milk, left to relax for 15 minutes
2.   Heat a(3 inch) non-stick pan, pour in  batter to cover all the bottom of the pan
3.   Fry in low heat until  it is light brown and turn it over to fry the other side till it is light brown.
Serve with butter,peanut-butter,jam or syrup.
雞蛋 2隻 ,  牛奶 275 g  ,  自發麵粉 225g (8 oz) ,  幼糖40g , Baking powder 1 tsp ,     可做 12個
1.   篩過的麵粉,Baking powder,和糖 放盤中。把蛋和奶打勻,倒進粉中搞拌,靜置15分鐘
2.   用 3吋的易潔鑊,放進粉漿或多以蓋了整個底部為合
3.   以慢火煎至有氣泡及微黃,反轉再煎另一面。
㗎啡 奶醬:  1 tbsp. 架啡 以 1 tsp. 的熱水調匀,加入鍊奶攪匀。鍊奶份量按照自己的口味而加入

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