Monday 16 September 2013

Focaccia 意大利香草飽

May 12, 2012

This is a Cafe style Italian bread for sandwich. It can be served with ham ,cheese and green salad for lunch.
Ingredients: Bread flour 400g, Corn flour 50g, 1/2 tbsp. yeast, 1/2 tsp.salt, 2 eggs,beaten, 160ml warm milk, 80ml olive oil, 3 cloves garlic, finely chopped, rosemary or mixed herbs (optional), 1 tbsp. mixed herbs ,1 tsp. sea salt., 30g black olive (optional)
1. Sprinkle the yeast into the warm milk. stir and leave for about 10 minutes,
2. Sift flour and salt into a mixing bowl,stir garlic and rosemary in,make a well in the center. Add the yeast mixture,egg and 60ml olive oil into the well,Gradually draw the flour into the liquid and form a dough.
3. Turn the dough onto a lightly floured surface and knead for about 10 minutes until smooth and elastic.(A finger mark pressed into the dough should spring back immediately)
4. Coat the dough surface with lightly oil,and put it in a lightly oiled bowl. Cover with a clean, damp tea towel and allow to develop until doubled in size.
5. Turn the dough out onto the work surface and knead gently for 2 minutes (knock back) until smooth. Roll out into retangle. Place it in a (9x12 inch) lightly floured rectangle baking tray. Cover with a damp towel and allow to rise again until nearly doubled in size.
6. Press the olives deep into the dough.Brush the dough with remaining oil.Sprinkle with mixed herbs and sea salt
7. Put the bread into the preheated 200*C oven,bake for about 15-20 minutes.(cover with Aluminum Foil to avoid too brown) Brush the remaining oil when the bread come out from the oven.
高筋麵粉 400g, 粟粉 50g, 1/2 tbsp.乾酵母, 1/2 tsp.鹽, 2隻蛋(打勻), 160ml 溫奶, 80ml 檻欖油, 3瓣蒜頭(切碎), rosemary or mixed herbs(隨意), 1 tbsp.香草(mixed herbs), 1 tsp.鹽, 30g黑檻欖(隨意)
1. 乾酵母拌進溫奶中,靜置 10分鐘酵母液
2. 麵粉,鹽,蒜蓉和rosemary拌勻,中間開一個井,倒入 酵母液,蛋和 60ml 檻欖油,慢慢把粉拌入液體中,使成為粉團
3. 粉團放在桌面上搓 10分鐘,使成為光滑有彈性的麵團(用手指按下很快彈回原狀)
4. 把麵團輕滾一層油,放在盤中,用濕巾蓋着,讓它發酵至約兩倍大
5. 把麵團再次輕搓 2分鐘至光滑(排去發酵後的氣孔),把它桿平,放在灑了粉的焗盤(9x12 吋)內,用濕巾蓋好,讓它再發酵至約兩倍大
6. 麵飽面掃餘下的油,把檻欖按入面內,灑上香草(mixed herbs)和鹽
7. 麵飽放入已預熱 200*C的焗爐中,焗 15-20分鐘(中途可用鍚紙蓋面)。麵飽出爐後即掃上油。

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