Monday 16 September 2013

walnut Bread 合桃飽

Mar 21, 2012

Ingredients: 1/2 tbsp(TABLE SPOON) dried yeast, 1/4 tsp caster sugar, 250g strong flour/bread flour, 1 1/2 tsp milk powder, 80g skinned walnut,roughly chopped, 150 ml warm water, 1/4 tsp salt

1. Place the dried yeast and sugar into the warm water,stir to mix. Leave in the warm place until it froths up.(about 5-10 minutes)
2. Sift flour, milk powder,and salt into bowl and make a well in the centre,add (1) into well,gradually mix it to a soft dough.
3. Turn the dough out on to a lightly floured surface and knead for about 10 minutes ,or until smooth ,elastic and no longer sticky.
4. Transfer the dough to a greased bowl and coat the surface with oil. Cover with damp tea towel. Leave in warm place until dough doubles in size.
5. Turn the dough out on to a lightly floured surface and knock-back to remove air bubbles. gently knead for 2-3 minutes. Add the walnuts and knead until they are evenly distributed and the dough is smooth.
6. Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface,roll into an oblong piece,then roll it up neatly to fit into the greased loaf tin. Leave it until double in size..
7. Place (6) in the preheated 200*C oven. Bake for 25-30 minutes .(to test if the bread is cooked through,tapped on the base and should hear a hollow sound)

乾酵母 1/2 tbsp , 糖 1/4 tsp , 高筋麵粉 250g, 奶粉 1 1/2 tsp, 合桃碎 80g, 溫水 150 ml, 鹽 1/4 tsp

1. 乾酵母和糖加入盛溫水的小碗中,搞勻,放在溫暖的地方,直至產生泡沫在表面(約 5-10 分鐘)
2. 篩過的麵粉,奶粉和鹽放盤中,中間撥成井,把(1)倒入並慢慢揉成粉團
3. 把麵團放在灑粉的桌面,搓約 10分鐘,直至成光滑,有彈性,不沾手的麵團
4. 把麵團放在塗油的盤內(麵團面也要復上油),用濕布蓋上,放溫暖處。待發酵至兩倍大
5. 把麵團放回灑粉的桌面,輕輕的揉2-3分鐘,主要是把空氣擠出。把合桃碎分開放入麵團中,搓成均勻,光滑的麵團
6. 麵團放回桌面,輕輕桿成烘盤大小的長方形,再覆卷成條狀,讓它再發大至兩倍
7. 麵飽放入已預熱200*C的焗爐中,焗約25-30分鐘。(測試麵飽是否已熟,可輕敲底部,發出空空的聲音)

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