Sunday 15 September 2013

Red Bean Cream Cake 紅豆忌亷蛋糕

Mar 5, 2012 

Red bean puree' is one of my favourite dessert . I like to use it for dessert fillings, such as pan cake; steam red bean pudding; Japanese Manju and puff. This cake base is a SPONGE CAKE, the  red bean filling can be found in  korean  grocery , it is ready for use.

Ingredients:   sponge cake(refer to sponge cake making)     whipping cream 300ml      icing sugar   2 table spoons (tbsp)

1.   Cool the sponge cake down.Cut it  into half  from the side
2.   Whisk the cream: pour whipping cream into mixing bowl.Using high speed to whisk ,Add the sugar in the middle of the process. whisk until soft, don't over whisk.
3.   Place a slice of sponge  cake on a plate, spread  the  cream  on evenly.,then top with red bean puree'
4.   Place another sponge cake on top of (3)
5.   Spread the cream on the top as well as the side of the cake.Keep in refrigerator
6.   Dust with coco powder before serve


海棉蛋糕(參照海棉蛋糕製法)    鮮忌亷  300 ml 糖粉  2湯匙

1.    海棉蛋糕放涼後,橫切開兩片
2.    打忌亷:    忌亷倒進打蛋器的盤內,以高速打起,中途加入糖粉,打至軟滑便要停止,打過度了便不能用
3.    把一片蛋糕放在平碟上,均勻地塗上一層忌亷,再在上面抹上一層紅豆蓉
4.    把另一片蛋糕復在 (3) 上
5.    把忌亷鋪滿蛋糕的面和四周,放在冰箱裏
6.    享用前篩上朱古力粉


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