Monday 16 September 2013

Egg Noodles 全蛋拉麪

Flour 2 cups egg 2 pieces salt 2 teaspoons

1. Gradually pour salt and egg into the flour and mix it into a round ball. If it is too dry, just add a liitle bit of water.Knead it to smooth dough and wrap it with a plastic wrap . Put in the fridge for one hour.

2. Divide the dough into 3 to 4 potions. Roll it on a floured surface. Press it into a flat sheet using a pasta maker 2 to 3 times ( thiness depends on your own choice) .Sift the flat sheet with corn flour and then put it to the noodle cutter.

3. Put the noodle in the boiling water for 30-45 seconds and drain it in the iced water immediately.

麵粉 2 , 雞蛋 2隻, 2 tsp (tea spoon )

1) ,和蛋 拌匀, 把蛋液逐少拌入粉內, 堆成一個圓球, 如太乾不成球,逐少加入水, 然後搓成平滑的粉團。用保鮮紙包好放進冰箱雪 1 小時
2) 取出冰箱的麵團,分成3-4份。灑少許麵粉在桌面,把一份麵粉搌平,然後放進壓麵機壓一次,可按照自己喜歡的厚度而多壓幾次,但每次
底面都要灑上一些粟粉。 把壓平的麵片的兩面都灑上粟粉,放進壓麵條的一面,壓成一條條的麵條,立即用粟粉把麵條滾上,使它不會粘在一起。
3) 把麪條放進滾水中,一煮即盛起,放進冰水中,把麪過了冷河更好吃。

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