Saturday 14 September 2013

饅頭 Mantou

Mar 8, 2012 

Dumpling and buns are popular chinese snacks. Mantou is  the very common one.  You can eat it plain or with dish.  I  like to put the deep fired pork mince into it. It is very delicious.

Old yeast dough:    soft flour 150g     flour 50g yeast 1/2 tsp water 100g
1. Put all dry ingradients into a bowl,pour water in and mix well, knead for about 5-10 minutes until smooth and not sticky.
2.  Put the dough back to the bowl and cover it with a plastic wrap.
3.  Leave to rise in a warm place for 40 minutes or until the dough has doubled in size.
4.  Divide the dough into small pieces ( about 50-60g per pc) and wrap individually.
5.  Put them in a sealed bag and put in freezer for future use.

Flour  200g ; soft flour  100g ;  caster sugar 20g ;  water and milk 180g ; dried yeast 6g ; cooking oil 1 teaspoon
Old yeast dough ( one portion) to be defrozed before use.

1. Combine all the dry ingradients with water and milk , mixed well and knead into a dough. Put aside for 3 minutes
2  Put the defrozed old yeast dough into (1) and knead to a smooth and non sticky dough. Pour cooking oil in and knead to smooth
3. use a rolling pin to roll the dough to a flat square thin pastry,then roll it into a long roll and cut it into small pieces
4. Put them in a steamer to rise until they have doubled in size
5. Steam the Mantou in the pre-boiled water for 15 minutes and to serve while hot.


老麵團: 低筋麵粉 150g 麵粉  50g 酵母粉  1/2 茶匙 水  100g
製法:    把所有乾的材料放在盤中,加入水混合成粉團,放在桌面上搓成不黏手的,光滑的,柔軟的麵團。把麵團放回盤中,蓋上保鮮紙,放在溫暖的地方,讓它發酵至兩倍大。發酵好的發種可分成約50-60g的小份,用保鮮紙逐個包好,再放入密實袋中。然後放在冰格內,隨時備用。

饅頭:    老麵團一份(先解凍,約30分鐘)      低筋麵粉  100g 麵粉 200g 幼糖 20g 溫水加鮮奶 180g     酵母粉 6g     食油 1 茶匙

1.     把兩種麵粉,糖,酵母混合,加入奶水揉成粉糰,讓它靜置 3分鐘   
2. 把已軟身的老麵團 加入(1)的粉團中,搓成光滑,不黏手的麵團。把食油加入再搓至光滑
3. 用麵桿把麵團輕輕桿平,把麵向中間摺成三摺,再桿平,重覆幾次,然後把它捲成長條狀,用刀把它分成小段
4. 把切成小段的麵團放在焗餅紙上,置蒸籠內,用濕布蓋好,讓它發酵至兩倍大
5. 預先把水燒滾,把蒸籠放入,以大火蒸約15分鐘,蒸好即取出。

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