Monday 16 September 2013

Crispy Barbecue Pork 脆皮燒肉

Apr 18, 2012

Rub the pork meat with cooking wine and prick all the skin with a sharp knife's point. Rub all the surface with more salt and leave to dry for a few hours. Place the pork, skin side up, in a preheated 175*C oven for 35 minutes . Take the pork out from the oven, cover all the meat with Aluminium Foil. Turn the oven on "GRILL"funtion (only the upper heat) in high-heat (250*C) to make the skin to swell up.Grill until the skin is fully crispy. The overburned black skin can be scraped with a knife.
窩中水燒熱,放入1湯匙料理酒,把豬腩肉放入,煮至 8成熟拿出來,用料理酒抹一下,以增加肉的香味。在肉皮上掃一層油,用刀鋒在肉皮上刺洞並擦上多些鹽,讓它吹乾些。用錫紙把肉的部分包好,肉皮朝上,把焗爐調至"GRILL"或"上火",(250*C),燒肉的皮部,它會爆出小泡,燒至肉皮酥脆。(中途可以拿出來塗上油,把有些燒焦了的,用刀子把那些黑的刮去,再放回去燒,多刮幾次,至見到肉連皮的部位也是鬆的)
補充: 肉皮不需要界紋,一塊過更好。 (沒有留意圖中用的肉是有紋的,請諒!)

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