Sunday 15 September 2013

Scone- a hundred year old recipe---士乾飽

Mar 2, 2012 

This recipe is from an elegant old British lady Ms. Effie who was my English teacher  in a church. When I met her she was already in her 80s. She was very kind and always invited me to her place for morning tea. I found the scones she made were superb and requested her to teach me.She said this recipe was inherited from her mother and it is easy and quick to prepare. I take this opportunity to sincerely thank her for her generosity in sharing with me this hundred years old recipe.

Effie  女仕是一位在教會主辦的英語班的義務教師,她是一位很優雅的女仕,說一口很動聽的英式英語,我認識她時她已經八十多歲了。她常常邀請我到她的家裏茶聚,並親手做一些茶點享用,而我最喜歡的是"scone"。我請求她教我做,她說這很容易學會,並立刻教我做了。真的很容易啊!這個 recipe 是她的媽媽傳給她的--真的是百年真傳啊!我很感謝她,並謹以此向這位可愛的女仕致意!


Self-raising flour  200g ; 1/2 tsp. baking powder; Butter 30g; caster sugar 20g ; cold milk 1/2 cup ( 125 ml)    a pinch of salt
Method: (Preheat oven to 220*C)

1. Sift flour, baking powder,and rub butter into it with finger tips.
2. Toss caster sugar and dried raisin (optional) into (1)
3. Add cold milk into (2) in one go.
4. use a fork to mix it quickily to form a dough.
5. Turn the dough onto a floured surface and knead lightly
6.  lightly pat the dough to 1/2 inch thick
7.  cut the dough into small pieces and shape it to round
8.  place the scones in a greased floured baking tray
9.  brush with egg and place to bake for about 15 minutes or until golden brown.

自發麵粉 200g. baking powder 1/2 tsp. 牛油 30g. 幼糖 20g 奶 1/2杯(125ml) 少許鹽
預熱焗爐至 220*C

1)   用手指把牛油搓入已篩過的麵粉和baking powder中
2)   把糖和提子(隨意)加入 (1) 內
3)   把奶一次過倒入 (2)
4)   用又把粉拌勻
5)   把粉團倒在灑有粉的桌面上,用摺疊的方式,
6)   輕輕按壓麵團成 1/2 吋高
7)   把麵團切成小塊,並整理成圓形
8)   把scone 放在塗了油及灑了粉的焗盤內
9)   塗蛋液或奶在 scone  面上,放進爐內焗 15 分鐘或至金黃色

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