Monday 16 September 2013

Cheese and Bacon Loaf - 芝士煙肉飽

Apr 22, 2012

This loft is easy to make. Preparation time15 minutes only.

90g derinded and chopped bacon, 1 small onion, finely chopped, 2 cups self-raising flour, 1 tsp salt, 1 tsp caster sugar, 60g butter, 125g grated cheddar cheese, 2 eggs, 2/3 cup milk, 1 tsp mustard, pinch of pepper, 1 tbs chopped parsley (optional)

1. Place bacon and onion in a pan and cook until soft.
2. Sift the flour, salt, sugar and pepper into a bowl. Rub in the butter until the mixture resembles breadcrumbs.
3. Add the bacon, onion and cheese into 2
4. Beat the eggs with milk, mustard and parsley. Add into 3 and beat thoroughly.
5. Turn into a greased loft tray and bake in a preheated 190*C oven for 45-50 minutes.
6. Turn onto a wire rack to cool for 5 minutes.Then slice to serve.

煙肉 90g(切碎), 小洋葱1個(切碎), 自發麵粉2杯, 鹽1茶匙, 幼糖1茶匙, 牛油60g, 碎cheddar 芝士125g, 蛋2隻, 奶 2/3 杯, 介茉1茶匙, 少量胡椒粉, parsley 1湯匙(隨意)
1. 煙肉,洋葱放鑊內炒香
2 .麵粉過篩,加入鹽,糖,和胡椒粉搞匀,用手指把牛油擦入粉中,使成為麵飽糠狀
3. 把煙肉, 洋葱和芝士加入 (2)
4. 雞蛋,牛奶,芥茉和 parsley搞匀,倒入 (3) 中並把它完全搞拌至均勻
5. 把粉漿倒入已塗油的長形麵飽模或分盛入 muffin 模盤中,放入已預熱190*C的焗爐中,焗45-50分鐘(中途可用鍚紙蓋着面,避免太焦)
6. 焗好後讓它在架上涼5-10分鐘才切開來吃,很香軟。

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