Sunday 15 September 2013

Ricotta Cheese Cake--芝士蛋糕

May 27, 2012

This is a delicate with a fine,moist texture and a mild, sweetish flavour cheese cake. It is simple and easy to make.

Ingredients for 8 inches tin :
Biscuit base : 3 oz(95g). butter, melted ,   6 oz(170g) digestive biscuits crushed or Marie biscuits crushed

500 g Ricotta cheese ,   4.5 oz.(130g)  caster sugar ,   2 eggs ,   4 oz.(125g) butter, melted ,   1 oz.(25g) cornflour ,  1 tsp vanilla essence ,  1 finely-grated peel and juice of lemon

1.  Brush the 8 inches tin with a thin layer of oil.
2.  Mix the crushed biscuits with melted butter and press evenly over the tin base.
3.  Place all the ingredients in a large bowl , beat well ( about 15 minutes ) until smooth and even in texture, pour into the tin.
4.  Bake in a preheated oven ( 160*C ) for 1 hour.  ( After baking for 30 minutes, cover the top with  aluminum foil to avoid browning).
5.  Switch off oven, leave door open and allow cake to cool down for 1/2 hour.
6.  Remove from oven and leave until cold. Refrigerate overnight and serve with ice-cream.

造 8 寸餅的材料
餅底 :  3 oz.(95g) 熔牛油 ,  6 oz.(170g) 壓碎消化餅乾

500g  Ricotta 芝士 ,   4.5 oz.(130g)  幼糖 ,   2隻 蛋 ,  4 oz(125g)  熔牛油 ,   1 oz(25g)  粟粉 ,   1 tsp 雲尼那油 ,  1 個檸檬刮皮及取汁
1.  將 8 寸 盤查上一層薄薄的油
2.  將已壓碎的餅乾和牛油混合後均勻地壓在焗盤的底部
3.  把所有材料倒入一大盤,打約 15 分鐘至均勻及平滑, 倒入焗盤中
4.  放入已預熱 (160*C ) 焗爐內焗約 1 小時. 焗約 30 分鐘後,蓋上錫紙以防面部燒焦
5. 餅焗好後, 關了火。把爐門打開,待餅在爐內冷卻半小時
6.  把餅從爐內取出待完全冷卻, 放入冰箱雪一夜便成,與雪糕同吃更皆

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