Sunday 15 September 2013

Pineapple cream swiss roll 菠蘿瑞士卷

Mar 12, 2012 

Ingredients: Flour  70g    Caster sugar   60g  Egg   3 pieces (180g)   Cooking oil  48g      Water  48g Whipping cream  150ml Gelatine powder 4g  A tin of pineapple (225g)    A  (12 inches ) oblong baking tray

1.    Make a sponge cake (Please reffer to SPONGE CAKE Making),bake for about 13-15 minutes. Cool it on a wire rack
2.    Drain the pineapple and cut into small pieces. Mix gelatin powder with 4 times of  drinking water (16g)  in a small bowl,let it absorb all the water.Melt  it  into liquid gelatine over a bowl of hot water  before you need it
3.    Whisk whipping cream:  Use high speed to whisk the cream , then add in 2-3 tsp. icing sugar, until soft. Add gelatine liquid into cream,whisk just combine.DON"T over whipped.
4.    Put the sponge cake on a baking paper (back side up). Spread with pineapple cream.
5.    Roll up the sponge cake firmly into a roll,wrap it with baking paper and  set in the fridge
6.    Dust with icing sugar before serving

麵粉 70g 幼糖 60g 蛋 3隻(180g) 油 48g 水 48g 忌亷 150ml 魚膠粉 4g 菠蘿一罐(225g)   12吋長形焗盤

1.   製海棉蛋糕一個參考海棉蛋糕製作),但只需焗13-15 分鐘。疍糕待冷卻 10分鐘,用濕毛巾在紙底部疊著並捲起, 放開待涼後用
2.   菠蘿隔去水份。用4倍水(16g)混合魚膠粉,讓它吸收所有水份。需要用之前把它放在盛有熱水的大碗中,使它變回液體
3.   用高速打忌亷,中途加入 2-3茶匙糖粉,打至軟滑,加入菠蘿茸及魚膠液混合,立即停止。不要打過了頭,否則不能用
4.   把海棉蛋糕放在焗餅紙上(底向上),塗上一層菠蘿忌亷
5.   把蛋糕向上卷起成長筒形,用焗餅紙包好,讓菠蘿忌亷凝固一會,放冰箱雪1-2小時
6.   享用前在瑞士卷面上灑上糖粉



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