Saturday 14 September 2013

Peking Dumpling 餃子

Mar 29, 2012 

Peking Dumpling is one of my favorites. To make the thin dumpling wrap is difficult. I tried several times but all failed. A few year ago I met a Chinese lady from Peking who was so kind to teach me how to make the dumpling wrap. I found that it is quite easy to learn and would like to share with my friends who love to make Peking Dumplings.
Ingredients: Plain flour  1 1/2 cup,    Pork mince 450g,    Water 160ml,    Green  vegetable,    Ginger 1 1/2 tsp,    Shallot (make  60dumplings)
 1.   Mix flour with water to form a soft dough,cover with damp cloth
2.   Pork mince seasoned with salt( 2  tsp), chicken powder ( 1/2 tsp),  sugar( 1/2 tsp), soy sauce (1 1/2tsp), sesame oil (1 1/2 tsp ).Swirl with 1 tsp water,until it is smooth and stickly
3.   Finely chopped  up the vege. ginger and shallot. Mix all these with seasoned mince,swirl again until sticky.  (this is the dumpling filling)
4.   Devide the dough to several portion.Take out a portion,roll and cut into small pieces,about 7g for each.Round it .
5.   Press the small ball on a floured work surface,roll up and down around the edge with the small rolling-pin, make it into a thin round.until you can feel the edge is thiner than the middle.
6.   Spoon the pork filling in the centre of the wrap,make a few creases in the centre to enable the wrap is tightly stick together.
7.   Put the dumpling into boiling watercook  for about 10 minutes.
note: To keep dumpling for future consumption,put the pumpling on a floured mat and place in the freezer for 30 minutes until  they are hard, then put them in a plastic bag.
麵粉  1 1/2 杯,    免治豬肉 450g,    水 160ml,    青菜,   薑 1 1/2茶匙,    葱  (約做60隻餃子)
1.    麵粉和水拌勻成軟滑的麵團(應像耳珠般軟),蓋上濕布待用
2.    豬肉免治加入鹽(2 茶匙),雞粉(1/2 tsp),糖(1/2 tsp),豉油(1 1/2 tsp),芝麻油(1 1/2tsp),加入一小匙水搞拌至成為黏而滑的肉醬
3.   切碎 青菜,薑,葱,與免治豬肉一同搞至黏稠(餃子餡料)
4.    取出一份粉團,搓成長條,分成約 7g的小粒(約指頭大小),滾圓
5.    桌面灑粉,把小圓粉團按扁,用小桿棒沿着邊上下推動,使它成為四週薄而中間較厚的小薄片
6.    把餃子饀放在小薄片中央,在一面的中央摺小摺,並把它與另一面的邊揑合成餃子形狀,排放在灑粉的平面
7.    把餃子放進滾水中,煮約 10分鐘

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