Tuesday 17 September 2013

Lemon Butter-Jam---檸檬占

Lemon Butter-Jam
May 5, 2012 6:03 AMPublicPageviews 79 1

Now is the lemon season. The lemon tree in my back yard has reminded me of the delicious lemon butter jam. This is a recipe from a lovely old British lady. It is so simple and easy to make.

2 fresh lemon juice,  1 cup sugar, 2 finely grind lemon rind, 2 eggs, 125g butter cut into small pieces

1. Put all the ingredients except butter in a sauce pan and beat well.
2. Cook on a moderate heat for one minute, stir well.
3. Put all the butter in and stir constantly until comes to boil and continue to boil for one minute.
4. Remove from heat and pour into a jar.
5 Keep in fridge after cool.

材料:  檸檬汁2個, 幼糖1杯,切碎的檸檬皮2個,  蛋2隻,牛油  125g切小塊

1)  除了牛油,把所有材料都放進小煲內攪勻,放在中小火上煑1分鐘,邊煑邊攪至糖全溶了
2) 把牛油放入煲中煑,継續攪動直至滾起,續煑1分鐘。離火
3) 把漿液倒入寛口瓶中。待涼後放入冰箱中

這 Jam 可用來塗 Toast, pan cake或scone。

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